In most groups, the art of entertainment points to a special person. It is indeed an honor to be labeled the entertainer. Entertainment should be directed toward good humor. The comedian, whether famous or a want-to-be, should never use ridicule as part of their message. The later can sometime be tragic; because no doubt, someone will eventually be hurt due to the fact: Loose lips can sink ships.If you are an entertainer that enjoys the art of good humor, you should try to be certain that the jovial happening that you are spreading in not due to a negative incident. And I suggest that you must be aware as to how that individual will react if they learn that their antic is the subject of laughter. Sometime fun can become hilarious when it is approached with good taste, well meaning wit, and in the mode of decent pleasure. Yet, on the other hand, it can turn bad and become a disaster which may never heal, thus will leave hurt feelings.It is best when one directs the laughter toward oneself, especially if ridicule, even in good taste, is involved. Everyone enjoys a good laugh with the person who is telling the story on them self, especially if they can laugh at them self with others. After all, often times comedians will get their material from a personal observation.When offering good humor, the art of entertainment is often times best received when the entertainer projects them self as a different person while the laughter is being projected. Sometime a comedian will use a puppet, or they can dress-up as a clown, or maybe a man dressed as a woman, or an easy act is to change their voice for the moment. Whatever the presentation, the final result is in hopes of being funny.It is not necessary to tell a comedian that he or she is funny, the reaction of the audience will depict the final judgment.