It is clear to me that you are here reading my article because you are searching for valuable information about Empower Network. You probably have heard about the Empower Network opportunity as being the latest network marketing company that a lot of people are talking about.You might have read the recent press release about me joining Empower Network. While this may not sound much of a clever idea for someone who doesn’t know a thing about this Network, I am telling you that learning about it deserves your attention. When everyone else is taking a huge leap of faith signing up as a member, it pays to know what the buzz is about because it might be the very opportunity that you are looking for as well.The Humble Beginnings of Empower NetworkIf you are already doing your research about the entire Empower Network thing, I guess you have already stumbled upon some interesting stuff about its launching and some of the challenges that it may have had in the beginning. However, allow me to recap just the same for the benefit of those who are reading an Empower review for the first time.The Network went live via the Internet on Halloween of 2011. It was one of the World Wide Web’s most shocking surprises especially for those who have been in the Internet and network marketing field for so long. People’s interest about Empower Network was on extreme levels, creating a commotion on the website’s traffic. The founders David Wood and David Sharpe were surprised on the overall reception that they were receiving from online users. About 10,000 applications were received during the first 2 days of its launch, creating an unpleasant impact on the website’s general performance.The servers of this network didn’t foresee such a warm welcome from the online marketers and was not prepared to host such humongous traffic that rapidly. The online activities of users wanting to become members had the website temporarily shut down. The Empower Network technical team had to fix the technical glitch and settle for manual applications for a while. It meant that they had to manually accept piles of faxed membership applications which too caused some headaches.The same scenario grabbed Facebook’s attention that it had to also shut down the EN Facebook page because of the unbelievably tremendous traffic that it was receiving. Great thing though, the network was able to figure out a web system that can handle an enormous online reaction. They were back live again shortly after the initial technical trouble.Why The Founders Came Up With Empower NetworkDavid Wood, who is the primary person behind the Empower Network genius (of course alongside with co-founder David Sharpe) was exposed to the network marketing industry at such a young age. His parents were active members of the more popular network marketing company called “Amway”. He used to come with his parents during Amway’s meetings, which spawned his interest on this type of opportunity. He even joined Amway separately and tried other network marketing opportunities. However, not all network marketing companies could promise sunny days. He was disappointed at a young age but this didn’t stop him from figuring out the best opportunity for him.David Sharpe, on the other hand, experienced life’s blows at a very young age. He had a child when he was on his early teen years and even got hooked into drugs. This premature suffering caused him to miss out on life’s greatest opportunities. He worked as a construction worker, dealing with the heat of the sun each day. However, he was invited to check out a network marketing opportunity that he was told to be a life-changing one. He signed up as a member and dealt with his shyness. He even recalls turning beet red when asked to speak in front of a large number of people. It was a great thing that he was able to overcome it and even discovered he had some great sales skills. To date, David Sharpe is one of the most credible sales letter write and copyeditor in the industry.David Wood and David Sharpe’s passion for network marketing saw a better opportunity when the Internet was first introduced. They were among the first ones to utilize the power of the Internet in their network marketing campaigns. Swinging from one network opportunity to another, Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe randomly bumped into each other and soon built a relationship over time. Then, they brainstormed a network marketing idea that has never existed before. Along with other creative authorities in Internet and network marketing industry, the two friends masterminded on the best, if not perfect network marketing opportunity.Understanding The Empower Network BasicsEmpower Network might seem to be a very broad system for some. Others may be scared to check it out because they don’t like to deal with overwhelming technical requirements. Let me assure you that these ideas aren’t relevant at all because Empower Network presents a simple yet effective Internet and network marketing system that even newbies can handle with grace.It Starts With Your $25This $25 isn’t a big deal at all for anyone who spends more that on lunch. Surprisingly, this little amount is only your initial investment to become an Empower Network member. Sounds great right? How exactly does your $25 work?Your $25 gets you to Fast Start Training. For an amount as low as this, you can have access to the Empower Network “Ultimate Instant Customizable Blogging Solution”. Reading the word “blogging” in this $25 offer perhaps gives you an overview of what you can get out of it. You probably understand that blogging is an essential tool for Internet marketing success so I bet you won’t deprive yourself of this strategy. With blogging, you generate traffic and leads, improve your brand and gain profits from this marketing strategy. However, blogging isn’t as simple as it seems. You have to work hard to achieve the amount of traffic that you desire. This is where the Network Fast Start Training becomes valuable.With $25, Empower Network gives you your personalized search engine optimized blogging platform so you won’t have to worry about doing the entire SEO work to get traffic to your site. This $25 blogging platform can even earn you as much as $625 per sale. I’d say that is a good investment.The Products• $25 per month Empower Network Viral Blogging System
• $100 per month Inner Circle Marketing Training Audios
• $500 one-time – Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive Training
• $1000 one-time – 15k Per Month Formula Webinars
• $3,500 one-time- New Costa Rica Masters Course VideosThe Figures MatterFor just about 72 hours of its launching, Empower Network has directly deposited over $250, 000 ++ in affiliate commissions to its members’ bank accounts. As of October 2012, a few weeks before Empower Network turns 1-year old, it has deposited a total of $14,455,603 to its affiliates’ bank accounts. Here’s a breakdown for you to see in which product affiliates earn the most from:1. Viral Blogging System ($25/month):… $3,650,703.00
2. Inner Circle Membership ($100/month):… $4,945,675.00
3. Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive ($500 one-time payment):… $2,967,182.19
4. The 15K Per Month Formula (one-time $1000 payment):… $2,892,043.00Why Choose Empower Network?Search engine ranking is one of the most difficult problems that most Internet marketers face. Besides the time and effort it requires to get viral online, SEO might be a tedious process to begin with especially if you don’t have any idea of what it is. This is what’s great about Empower Network. They have already developed a search engine optimized platform that is customized for every member so you don’t have to worry about dealing with your own SEO blog. Empower Network gives you an instant access to a fully-customizable search-engine friendly blog! As of writing, Empower Network website ranks top 1,200 worldwide, and is one of the top 200 sites in the United States.100% Commissions – Is That Even Possible?You might be wondering how the company is able to pay 100% commissions to its affiliate when it doesn’t even take a percentage of the sale. The answer is simple. Instead of Empower Network taking a lump of your earnings, it has a flat one-time fee of $19.95, enough to take care of its programmers, graphic designers, support team and customer service representatives. This method enables the company to pay 100% commissions for every sale.Do I Need A Merchant Account To Get Started with Empower Network?While you are used to availing a merchant account to start flaunting your own products or services to a host website, Empower Network makes this much easier for you. You only have to sign up for an e-wallet account, costing you another $19.95 per month. This is an undisclosed fact until you have opted-in for the $25 monthly viral blogging system.The Empower Network e-wallet works exactly just like PayPal. It handles and processes all the orders and refunds and puts in 100% of the commissions you earned in your e-wallet once a week. Your e-wallet can then be used to send you a check or transfer your monies (sales) directly into your bank account.Ready To Get Started with Empower Network?Choosing The Right Team To Work WithJoining forces with the right team is probably the best decision you can have when partnering with someone in any business venture. Team Take Massive Action is a leading community inside of Empower Network. Focusing on the 3 C’s of Online Marketing: Create, Capture, Convert. You will learn how to Create content, Capture leads, and Convert these leads to sales.The education that you will learn with Take Massive Action can be applied to any business. Team Take Massive Action is on a mission to create a REAL community of online marketers having TRUE success with their business.We invite you to join us…